Monday, March 4, 2013

WhipUp's tips on staying creative.

A lot of good advice here. 

Are creativity and productivity the same for you? It sometimes feels that way to me.

On that note, I'm going to step away from the computer for a while...


Kara said...

The shitty part is...productivity and creativity are actual the OPPOSITE of each other, if you think about it. I mean, I can't sit down in the chair and order myself to be creative. That's not really a best practice :D. BUT...I can sit in a chair and order myself to be productive and HOPE that the creativity comes on its own. Creativity is like your favorite kooky never really know when she's going to come breezing in the door. But you can't sit around watching the door and waiting for her to show up, either. You have to make your house nice and inviting so that WHEN she shows up, IF she shows up, she'll want to stay awhile.

Kara said...

(PS...LOVE the graphic on WhipUp's link. LOVE.)

Jessica Brockmole said...

Ugh, #5 is hard. But, for me, beating myself up hinders productivity rather than creativity. I'm with Kara on this one. Creativity comes when it comes. Productivity is the one you can control.