Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The best fictional libraries in pop culture

Which is your favorite? I'm partial to Hogwarts, myself.

The Best Fictional Libraries in Pop Culture 


  1. I always loved the scene where Belle goes into the library and is completely enthralled, so...that would be my favorite. Her expression just says so many positive things about reading, and the anticipation thereof.

    On a related note, I vote for the library of the Convento de San Francisco in Lima, Peru, as the most "Should have been used as the library in the Name of the Rose" library.

  2. Definitely The Library from Dr. Who. A planet sized library with deadly shadows? Sign me up!

  3. At first I thought the same as Pauline...the Beast's library! But after thinking about's a little too fancy for my liking. I'd be afraid to break something. Or drop something. Hogwarts may be more forgiving in that respect. PLUS, there's a restricted section. Nothing is more tempting than a restricted section...

  4. So true, Kara! The Breakability Factor is pretty high in the Beast's library. I mean, it actually sparkles. That probably means there is lots of glass stuff. And spindly wooden things and science-type curios and no kids - Oh. Hold up. Maybe that's why it appeals to me.

  5. I will just clarify that I love my kids. They are awesome and endearingly loud. But the appeal of uninterrupted reading time...sigh.
