Friday, September 21, 2012

Fridaydream: who gets thanked in your acknowledgments?

OK, fess up: how early in your current WIP's life did you start drafting the acknowledgments section? Have you already decided to whom you will dedicate Book 2, 3, 4, 5?

Would a future post on acknowledgment do's and don'ts be well-received, do you think?


  1. Don't have one and it's too early for me to think about it. I'll draft the acknowledgments section only when a book publisher is about to publish my novel. It will be short, saying thanks to the literary agent and the pulisher's editor for making it a much better novel. And to the person making the book cover. I assume that many people will be involved in publishing the novel, but I don't have the exprience yet of going through the process. Some auhtor might find it useful to read no about do and don't of acknowleddmnt. For an alternative view (maybe controversial) you might want to read Sam Sacks article "Against Acknowledgment" in The New Yorker, August 24. I don't share his views, by the way. Reading acknowledgment is very useful for some authors looking for literary agents, for example. If an author's novel is similar in some ways to a published book. The author can find the literary agent's name in the acknowledgment and submit to her.

  2. I have two rules: 1. The manuscript has to be done. 2. I hold off until I am having an especially low moment or crisis of confidence with it. With the last book that came when a contest judge (this is the romance world, where we do contests) told me my story was repulsive and my heroine a tramp unworthy of a happy ending. Wow, thanks! Time to write the acknowledgements!

  3. Though I don't write acknowledgements ahead of time, I do keep a document for each manuscript where I can just make a note of each person who helps me along, whether an early reader or an expert helping me with a research question. That way I'm not scrambling to remember my thank yous when it comes time for that.

    And a post about acknowledgement do's and don'ts would be well-received in this quarter. :)

  4. My last (self-pub) book I acknowledged my cover designer, my beta-readers and editors, my two assistants and most of all my readers.

    But don't worry Courtney, you're getting a big acknowledgement in The Enslaved Trilogy ;) Speaking of, you might be wondering why am I on this blog instead of doing revisions?

    *runs away*

  5. I'd love a post on acknowledgements! To be honest, when I pick up a new book I often read the acknowledgements first, even if they are placed after the text. Maybe it's my academic background, but I find them fascinating.

    I don't write acknowledgements until I'm done with the work - but dedications are another matter! Dedication fantasies seem to help me get started writing...

  6. I wrote fake acknowledgements for the very first time a few months ago, believe it or not. I always kinda figured it was bad luck to write them too soon. I ALWAYS read the acknowledgements...sometimes I read them first, just to see who the editor is. I think a post on do's and don'ts would be great!

    PS - Unknown: OUCH. Just....OUCH. Yeesh.
