Friday, September 7, 2012

Fridaydream: what does it look like to have "made it?"

When you think about your goals for your writing career, what's the Big Goal?

I have three big "dreams" as an agent:

1) a #1 New York Times bestseller

2) a Big Hollywood Movie based on one of my books

3) a book on the "Banned Book list."

What does it look like to have "made it?" Do you find that your goals shift over time?


  1. I have realistic expectations, not dreams, but I'll play along with your list.
    1)My two novels will not make it to the top of NYT Bestseller list. They might make it to #30 if a major book publisher will take them. They'll do better in the foreign countries.
    2)I'm fairly optimistic that both my novels will be made into co-production movies between Hollywood and the foreign countries.
    3. I can add spice to my my second YA fiction to make it "banned". It's already controvesial to some readers. But that's not my aim.
    (1) and (2) are my goals to have "made" it. Goals in many aspects of life (not just writing) change over time. Have a wonderful weekend.

  2. Printz award. That, in my opinion, is the ultimate statement of "I HAVE ARRIVED". Or it would be for me, anyway. Banned Book List...I'm totally headed there. It feels less like a dream and more like an eventual certainty. "Eventual" being the key word here ;).
    I think dreams and goals have to change over time. Keeps you motivated!
