Friday, August 31, 2012

Fridaydream: the movie version

If (when) they make a Hollywood blockbuster or cool indie film of your book, who's going to be the star?


  1. It's daydreaming for me to think about movies for my two novels, but it's a fair question. My novels were written visually, with a lot of action, with the hope (daydreaming again) for movies. For my China-America novel the actress must have full red lips. People searching for her and the only clue they have is her lips. For my America-Germany novel the actress must be overweight (or gain weight for the role) with a German accent. It was written so that overweight teens will have their heroine in YA fiction. She talks about the media and body image for women. Plus size organizations told me that they are happy to have one of their own as an heroine.
    Now, let me switch to THE HUNGER GAMES. I saw the movie before reading the first book so had no previous expectation who should play Katniss. I was mesmerized by Jennifer Lawrence playing Katniss. For me she was Katniss and she was a perfect choice.

  2. You are welcome to share if any of the novels that you represent got a movie option. It must be exciting for authors and their literary agents to see a movie based on the book. And more generally, do movie companies ask for input from publishers, authors and literary agents when they make movies from the books?

  3. I, too, would love to hear about the process (from the agent's side) in shopping film rights!

  4. I know I'm in the minority, as most writers seem to do this, but I honestly have never "cast" any of my novels. How sad is that?

  5. I've tried a couple of times in the past to write with a particular celeb in mind, but the Bradley Coopers of my imagination somehow always morph into Weird Al Yankovics on the page. Working backward, I'd say...George Clooney. Even if my main character were a horse. George Clooney would make a very sexy horse.

  6. Adele, I think that goes without saying! ;)

  7. Adele -- I'm pretty sure George Clooney would do an awesome job of my main character, and he's a 22-year-old, geeky redhead!

    The best answer I've got would be Cameron Monaghan, although he'd need to wait a few years to look the part, I think. Which is plenty of time for me to finish my novel, get it published, and then negotiate the movie deal. Right? ;)
