Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A must-read.

If you're reading this, I'm guessing this link is going to prove useful.

Which one is your biggest bugaboo? I've narrowed it down to two, myself: 20 and 22.

Go read the post. Then come back and tell me a story, and tell me what you're going to do differently.


  1. Amazing!

    Now I'm going to quit dithering about on the internet when I should be editing :)

    Christi Corbett

  2. Ha! I just saw this same list linked on a friend's Facebook page. Upon first read, I immediately thought "YUP! #2, that's me all the way." I'm the queen of writing like crazy and then stopping to second guess myself. Plus, the line "That story isn't going to unf*ck itself" made me snort. It is one of my many New Year's resolutions to stop stopping. Onward! Even if it makes no sense and sounds like blathering when I read it out loud...

  3. #1, #2, #6... yup, well, all of them.
    A kick in the @$$ to get back on it!

  4. All of these, but always #25. Every stage of this process brings new fears, new doubts. It seems that every year my New Year's resolution is "trust yourself". I think I have, and then those fingers of self-doubt creep in again. I know that's ridiculous. I can do this.

    Also #23 is just gorgeous. I think I need to hang "Put yourself on every page: a smear of heartsblood." over my desk. If something I wrote can still make me smile, cry, feel a twist of my heart every single time I read it, I know I'm doing something right.

  5. Wow. Numbers 5, 9, and 15 are screaming at me, especially 5: Don't Hurry. I don't know who I'm racing against. I think it's myself! Thanks for the link.

  6. First of all- thank you for sharing this! Effing hilarious.

    "Roll around in responsibility like a dog rolling around in an elk miscarriage. " I literally laughed until I cried.

    What I will be doing differently is not worrying so much- about everything. It kind of encompasses the majority of the items on the list (publishing, other authors, "gatekeepers", my own insecurities...)

    Good stuff!

  7. Oh, did I need this today. Between my 4-year-old's obsession with diapering the dog and a pile of laundry that is weep worthy, I needed a jolt. My big takeaways? #6 & #25 - I'm going to stop. Right fucking now... (or very, very soon...)
    Thank you for posting!
