Tuesday, November 1, 2011

NaNoWriMo: It Begins!

Today's the day! How's everyone doing so far?

Post your word counts in the comment section!


  1. Just passed my first-day quota! It helps being self-underemployed....

  2. Only 860 at the moment, but my in-laws are visiting. An excuse, right?

  3. I managed to reach a smidge over 750 this morning before I had to run to a meeting. Tonight, I am positive I can reach 2K when my house is quiet again :). 2K per day is what I'm hoping for.

  4. 2,068!!! And that was after a day of speaking at an out of town college! I am so fired up! :) e

  5. I'm up over 4600 words so far and aiming to get the last 400 to 5K before midnight. I'm kindofsortof cheating this year though, by continuing a draft started pre-Nano.
