Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Writing Prompt #3

Thanks for all the great entries. Keep 'em coming.

Here's another prompt. I just moved last month, so this one is close to my heart-- but I encourage you to go crazy with it. There are many more possibilities than a story about moving.

I opened the last box, and inside I found (feel free to switch to your favorite "person")

CONTEST! Post a response (on your site, with a link in the comments section here) to any of my writing prompts between now and August 26, and I'll pick one winner whose query letter I will then critique on the blog the following week. (We can remove the identifying details, if you want; we'll figure that out later.) I'm not promising representation, but I'm not ruling it out either...

Tell your friends!


  1. My prompt responses are getting longer, I am afraid. Sign of good production or distraction? I don't care...I am writing again. Thanks.


  2. Since I came upon this after the first six, I am posting them on my Ramblings blog in random order.

    This is a fun contest. Here is the response to prompt #3.


  3. Whew...thought I'd *never* get this story finished! But I made it with a day to spare. Hope you like it, Courtney!


  4. Thanks again for this series! SO enjoying it and was surprised where the story took me this time :)

